"The McNeil Volunteer Fire Department is looking for its Jaws of Life.
That's the device used by police and fire departments in an emergency to cut through a vehicle and rescue people trapped inside.
This past Saturday, while heading to an accident scene, the Jaws of Life fell out of the back of the McNeil rescue truck. The driver was not aware it had fallen out.
Some witnesses report seeing a person in a white Ford truck pick up the piece of equipment and drive away. The McNeil Volunteer Fire Department is asking the person to return it.
If you have any information about this, please contact the McNeil
Volunteer Fire Department at (601) 798-7065. "
The Jaws of Life, as you can see from the photo, is a pretty large and heavy piece of equipment. I can't imagine it falling off the back of the truck and the driver not noticing; it would probably sound like the transmission dropped out.
I wonder how the guy who picked it up explained his find to family and friends. Does he even know what it is? "Hey look, Ma, trimmin' the hedge won't take no time at all now!"
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