My wonderful husband. He can make me smile and laugh again after the worst of long, hard days filled with bad news. Better yet, he can even get me cracking jokes and making him laugh, too. I am convinced that his hugs have magic powers. :-)
Lunch with Karen. We bemoaned a bad case of brain cramp after an intense morning of dosage calculations, formed a plan of attack to study the difficult stuff this month, and cracked central line and NG tube jokes, all over po' boys at Huckleberry's.
My dancing princess, a.k.a. the newly-minted four-year-old. She's absolutely right: twirling and giggling does put the day into proper perspective!
"I love you, Mommy" texts from my fourteen-year-old. :-)
What are YOU thankful for?
1 comment:
I love your list...but I REALLY think it's cool that your 14 year old daughter calls you Mommy on your texts and tells you that she loves you! So sweet!
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