Outside my window sunlight and shadows dance the afternoon away in an open meadow, while a bluebird clasps a strand of barbed wire and sings to me.
I am thinking about the rest of my to-do's for today. I am thinking that I lack motivation to-do them. ;-)
I am thankful for renewed faith. How did I ever put one foot in front of the other without it?
From the learning rooms: Tonight, I have four chapters to read on the postpartum phase of childbirth, and one more to read on gram staining microbes. Oh yes, there are a bunch of dosage calculations to practice, and injections to practice before tomorrow's test-off.
From the kitchen: After spending most of today pondering what to make for dinner and feeling guilty about my recent lack of creative and elaborate meal preparation, I've decided to resurrect an old tradition that my oldest daughter and I used many years ago to make a fun and lighthearted evening out of tiredness: "snack supper"! An array of healthy snacks both warm and cold will be put out for hungry and weary family members tonight, and we'll enjoy the lack of pressure to create a formal meal while we unwind together and do what each of us needs to get done.
I am wearing my favorite old jeans that fit just right, and a black long-sleeved t-shirt.
I am creating a list of knitting projects in my mind and trying to choose which one I'll tackle next!
I am going to be really glad when my homework is done tonight. :-)
I am reading Maternal Child Nursing Care, by Wong et al
I am hoping that all test results will come back in normal ranges this Friday.
I am hearing nothing but the whirring of the fan within the computer, and the happy clacking sound of my fingers dancing on the keyboard.
Around the house, things seem to be in stasis. There will be time to clean, create, and rearrange on Saturday.
One of my favorite things is having a good laugh with a girlfriend!
A few plans for the rest of the week: A joint birthday party for our youngest and two of her friends at Pizza Inn on Saturday evening. It will be fun for the families to get together and have a good time watching our childrens' delight! The three mommies have already shared so many tears and so much laughter. It will be nice for the daddies to all finally meet!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing:
My husband has crystal clear green eyes. (He'll argue and tell you they're hazel). They are expressive eyes. They reveal his soul to me, his bride. There have been some days in our life together, though, when no language in the world could describe the depths of love, tenderness, concern, and joy emanating through these eyes: right before our first kiss...our wedding day, while he was saying his vows to me (see above)...and last night-- just because. :-) This love always makes me cry the happiest kind of tears.
Scoot on over to The Simple Woman's Daybook and check out some other thought-provoking entries...
1 comment:
I just stumbled across this. Wonderful...Thank YOU from Utah.
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